Cultural Competency with DC Mayor’s Office of Deaf, DeafBlind & Hard of Hearing

This training focuses on Deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened (D/DB/DD/HH/LD) communities and cultures. Participants will learn best practices and accessibility considerations when engaging with D/DB/DD/HH/LD individuals who “live, work and play” in DC. Participants will take away best practices to improve accessibility within their organization, activities and events.

Deputy Director Karen Quinones and Chief of Staff Kisha Gore will be presenting the Cultural Competency Training as part of MODDHH’s vision to enhance the quality of life for all residents with genuine inclusion that makes communications accessibility an ingrained part of living, working, and playing in DC. Our work centers Universal Design as part of technological advancement and increase community awareness both inside and outside of Deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled, Hard of Hearing, and Late Deafened communities.​

Watch the Zoom Recording (with shared screen and gallery view)

Watch the Webinar on YouTube (with corrected captions)

View and download the PowerPoint Slides

View the “What is Language Deprivation” video shared during the presentation 

Download the transcript

ASL Interpretation was provided by Interpreter Now and Captioning was provided by Caption First. If you have questions about this session, please email Alexis Jones at

Guardianship and Self-Employment Listening Session

We held a listening session to learn how guardianship or supported decision making (SDM) can facilitate or be a barrier to self-employment for people with disabilities. We invited people with disabilities and their parents who have started down the path of self-employment and have a guardian/SDM. We were interested in hearing about your experiences.

ASL Interpretation and Captioning were provided. If you have questions about this session, please email Alexis Jones at

This event was not be recorded for public viewing.

Deafhood Training Part 3: Communicating Effectively

Presented by: Gallaudet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute

The Dos and Don’ts of including Deaf and hard of hearing people in your meetings on Zoom and in-person meetings. Tips and strategies to maximize communication effectiveness in meetings so that everyone feels included — not left behind.

Watch the Zoom Recording (with shared screen and gallery view)

Watch the Webinar on YouTube (with corrected captions)

Download the Slides

ASL Interpretation was provided by Interpreter Now, Captions were automatically generated by Zoom. If you have questions about this session, please email Alexis Jones at

Deafhood Training Part 2: Understanding Language Translation

Presented by: Gallaudet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute

Further dive into Deafhood with the lens of language translation through more than one modality. This session provides an understanding of how language translation impacts small business training for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Providing an American Sign Language interpreter is often inadequate, especially from the training perspective — we will explore why along with the recommended solutions.

Watch the Zoom Recording (with shared screen and gallery view)

Watch the Webinar on YouTube (with corrected captions)

Download the Slides

ASL Interpretation was provided by Interpreter Now, Captions were automatically generated by Zoom. If you have questions about this session, please email Alexis Jones at