Employment and Workforce

Disability Benefits at Work (Work Incentive Support Center)

The Work Incentive Support Center offers online training and credentialing aimed at work incentives planners, benefits counselors and financial advisors. The center is housed in the K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability. The institute, which is also known as the Yang-Tan Institute or YTI, is part of the ILR School at Cornell University. SSDI and SSI at Work Toolkits are available on the site.

Read More: Disability Benefits at Work (Work Incentive Support Center)

EARN Small Business Toolkit

Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) created the new Small Business Toolkit to help small businesses build their talent pipeline and meet their workforce needs by recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing employees with disabilities. The Toolkit is one of the latest products of the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s EARN.

Read More: EARN Small Business Toolkit